Terms + Conditions (Version 2.3 updated 20/04/20)
DSK Associates has 3 Bookkeeping packages
- Software Only
The software is licensed to DSK Associates.
DSK will provide software log in credentials to the recommended software on the DSK website.
Different Accounting software is monitored / evaluated by DSK Associates and the recommended software may change from time to time.
Different Pricing / Terms may apply depending on which software is recommended.
Once a client has paid for a software package , then there is a minimum 12 month contract.
After 12 months, 1 month notice is required to terminate the software.
Clients cannot change software mid way through contract.
Invoices are sent monthly in advance and have a 14 days payment term
Any overdue invoices could result in software being made inactive.
- Online Assistant
For Online assistant packages , DSK Associates will have access to the software as your online Bookkeeper. Dsk Will oversee the data entries that have been made and offer advice on corrections.
DSK Associates will review the VAT returns / accounts ledgers / profit and loss / balance sheet.
DSK will provide online assistance to clients queries regarding regular accounting matters.
There is a one off set up FEE for this service.
After initial set up , monthly invoices are sent with a 14 day payment term.
- Bookkeeping
DSK Associates will be responsible for Data entry into the software.
Client will have oversight of all data in the software.
Client will provide bills / reciepts / invoices online to complete the data entry tasks.
DSK Associates will rely on good online communication with client to resolve queries.
There is a one off set up FEE for this service.
After initial set up , monthly invoices are sent with a 14 day payment term.
DSK Associates has 3 payroll packages
- Software only
The recommended software is MTD compliant and can be used to make full payroll submissions to HMRC. Clients will be expected to connect to HMRC themselves.
Any overdue invoices could result in software being made inactive.
- Online Assistant Payroll
DSK will guide on all Payroll Functions of the software as well as check monthly payroll before submissions to HMRC.
There is a one off set up FEE for this service.
After initial set up , monthly invoices are sent with a 14 day payment term.
- Bookkeeping Payroll
DSK will prepare and submit all aspects of monthly payroll after instructions from the client.
There is a one off set up FEE for this service.
After initial set up , monthly invoices are sent with a 14 day payment term.
Any Further services are charged as per current website fees www.dskassociates.co.uk
(All Service Fees are based on client providing accounts data in an online agreed format )
For services not mentioned on website, an hourly rate of £20 per hour, exc VAT is chargeable.
DSK Associates reserves the right to change Agreed Rates if the data / information provided is not provided as per original discussions.
In this event , DSK and Client will mutually agree on New Rates.
Invoices of fees are sent on a monthly basis
The following terms apply :–
- All sums must be paid within 14 days of the date of invoice.-
- Either party can end this agreement by giving a 30 days written notice to end the agreement.-
- Software has a minimum 12 month contract.
- DSK Associates reserve the right to stop work if any payment is not paid by due date
These Terms and conditions may be periodically updated.
Latest Versions will be uploaded to website